Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Modern instruments and their organization

Saxophone is a woodwind because it has a reed (versus brass instruments with valves).
The highest pitches in the orchestra are played by the piccolo.
(All four instruments listed below have four strings each): violin, viola, cello (also known as the violoncello), and double bass which has the lowest notes in the string section.
the harp and guitar are also classified as strings. the harp has strings which are plucked and the feet control all seven pedals. It has the widest range of all the orchestral instruments.

piccolo means small in italian.
oboe has a mouthpiece with a double reed.
english horn is actually an alto oboe with a double reed, it is neigher English nor a horn.
clarinet is a single reed instrument
Bassoon is a double reed instrument
Double bassoon is also called the contrabassoon.
Saxophone has a single reed, it is a woodwind instrument made of brass.

trumpet, an instrument which uses valves.
French horn, is descended from the ancient hunting horn.
Tube is the bass of the family with the lowest pitches.

Glockenspiel is a pitched steel bars mounted on a frame and struck by hammers.
Gong is a non-pitched suspended disk of metal which is struck, also known as a tam-tam.
Kettledrums are also known as the timpani, they feature a copper bowl and a head which is struck with mallets. They can be tightened by means of a pedal or keys- this then changes the pitch.

Larger instrumental groups- orchestras
There are three main types of orchestras: chamber orchestra, symphony orchestra, and string orchestra.
The most common, and the largest, is the symphony orchestras

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